Sunday, May 3, 2009

A very unofficial guide to getting into DEP

It's rather hard to draft out this guide, because I'm not even sure how I managed to get in myself.

But I think mostly, the below would mainly constitute some of the things I (stupidly) or not so stupidly did. Feel free to copy my behaviour, but it won't guarantee you a place in Sec 2 drama class next year... (it's part of my fruitless attempt to make you successful)

1) Pay attention in Drama class.

It never hurts to look up when the teacher is speaking, and nod responsively, and do what she/he tells you to without complaint. Make sure you know what drama elements/conventions are needed in both your theory/practical work, and make sure you mention/use them.

2) Have a good attitude.

Don't whine when you don't get into the same group as your buddy for groupwork. When asked to complete drama reflections, do every single one of them, seriously, with utmost effort and care.

3) Effort.

For every drama practical assessment, do thorough research, and start rehearsing with your group well before the assessment date. If your group members do not intend to take drama next year and thus treat it very lightly, do all the work such as script writing, or casting or planning, yourself. It'll do you good in the long run. Besides, if you truly enjoy drama, you won't mind spending the whole day drafting out the script.

4) Passion and determination.

You have to be really, really interested in drama before you consider taking it up as a formal subject. You must bear in mind that it will become as important as your Math/Science/English subjects once you take it up in Sec Two. Love what you are doing, and nothing will ever go wrong.

5) A very stupid thing I did.

Oh wells, it might be stupid, but it might've helped! Anyway, throughout the whole of Sec One, we were given loads of talks about Drama, like its history, and thte school invited actors to come and stage some cool drama stuff, and there was this Sec One drama showcase towards the end of the year, I think. I sat up very straight and fixed my eyes on everything that was happening in front. As you all know not all of the talks are very interesting, and not all of the performances were very engaging, but still I sat ram rod straight and tried to become extremely, furiously interested in anything that was going on. Sooner or later, everyone in the room will start slouching, and you'll be the only person with a straight back, looking earnestly at the showcase. This shows how actually interested you are in drama. off a good impression, I guess.

But of course, I don't think the drama teachers take that officialy as a rubric for selection.

The above are (I repeat) my personal opinion and advice, doing all of the above might not get you into DEP. They're just some guidelines!

Have fun!


SN Girl 1

ps: If you have any queries about drama, or anything in particular, feel free to drop me a message on msn. ( I'll try to answer it as best as I can. Or you can leave a tag! =D



What's up, people? How's life. Find everything ok?

I'm posting randomly, btw, no tips or any sort. Hahahhaha!

Oh wait, I do have one.

In SN right, there are many times when popularity would get you somewhere, or get somebody else somewhere. I used to find this very hard to cope with because I think it is absolutely unfair and stupid, and thus emo for a very long time. I'm still irked by popularity votes now, but I don't take it to heart. Popularity is inevitable, but what's important is that you don't let those decisions made by teachers/classmates annoy you, or make you sad. Because it's not worth it, nobody can fight against popularity, you just have to mind your own business, and life goes on. You'll forget about it soon enough. :)

Another thing. Cliques are, and I hate to say this, abudant, in SN. Most of you are probably in cliques already as you read this post, but I'd like to caution against being too attached to one whilst still in your Secondary One year. Who knows, you might get dumped, sooner or later. The more attached you are to a group of people, the more the hurt. Most cliques formed in Sec One don't usually go on into the next four years of secondary school life, you will drift off, eventually, and once that happens, you might find that you won't have anyone else to be with in your class anymore, because all this while you've been so closely knitted within your clique that you've failed to socialise among your other classmates.

When you finally realize that, it's too late to catch up, because then everyone would have already found their own friends, and it's usually hard to get people to know you again, to strip away their initial impression of you, I mean, like once they see you they think: Oh I associate her with so and so and who and blah.

So it's always the best to mix around, and don't too glued onto a certain group of people. Be friends with everyone, so when you finally break away from your original clique, you'll have lots more company to receive you. Gladly. :)

I've been meaning to tell you guys the above since like, I started UGGSS. But I never got to say it until now, I didn't write about it in the beginning because I didn't want to scare anyone into thinking that making friends is hard in SN, I just want to let you know that getting dumped is part and parcel of SN life, and once you DO get dumped, it's not good to be depressed for the rest of the year. So that's why you should start socializing with everyone, and try not to get into the clique trend. :)

Hahhaha, that's all I guess.

How's Drama for all of you? Everytime I see those purple files I get tingles all over cos it remidned me of my sec one drama days. Oh yeah, I'll post a quick note on how to get into DEP later on. :)

Until then, peace be with you.


SN Girl 1

ps: A shout out to all choir juniors: You people were great during orientation, saw loads of happy faces, I know it was gross, but still, it rocked right? =D

pps: Keep trying to guess who we are!